Tuesday 8 February 2011


Before filming, I made a storyboard. This was to get the initial idea of our film on paper and to see how it would work out and so we had something to go by whilst filming.

Slide 1 is an introduction, it just says that this will be our storyboard and the names of the people in our group.

Slide 2 in this piece shows where we first started filming, it shows me sitting in the room getting ready. This was an easy scene to stick to the storyboard as it was simple to film and the idea was also effective and added realism.

The third slide shows when the the lights go out. This is an important scene to film as it is when it starts to get supernatural. We will need to make sure that we film this scene very effectively.

The fourth slide in this image shows another supernatural scene. It is when Katie will drop her toothbrush and a figure will appear in the mirror. This is an important scene to get right.

This is the fifth slide. It is when me and Katie will be talking in the games room. This is where we will do the shot/reverse shot. 
The sixth slide shows Katie walking towards the generator. This will be filmed outside with only an outdoor light on. We will film her from behind and then from the front.
Slide Seven shows Katie in the pool room walking towards the generator. This needs to be a very 'creepy' scene as it is what the other have been building up to.It needs to be silent and the filming needs to be precise.
This is the last scene that we are going to film. After Katie walks off it shows the hooded figure lurking in the generator room! This should give our audience an unexpected thrill.

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