Tuesday 15 February 2011

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

The next step that we took was to create and distribute an Audience Feedback Questionnaire. This was to help evaluate our final film piece. We found out what people really thought of our piece and if we had met the requirements that we had set ourselves. We gave out ten questionnaires to different sets of people that had watched our film previously.

Question 1: After watching our film did you feel that it met the conventions of a typical thriller film? Briefly explain why

Question 2: After watching our opening scene do you think that we have maintained a steady, professorial use of the camera? Yes/No

Question 3: If possible could you briefly explain what you think will happen within the rest of the film

Question 4: Do you feel the use of a soundtrack and sound effects has contributed to creating atmosphere and tension for our opening scene? Yes/No

Question 5: On a scale 1-10 could you rate how successful you feel our opening scene is

Question 6:Could you give us some feedback explaining what you like and what you do not like etc

Question 7: How do you think that we can improve?

As Questions 2, 4 and 5 are the only closed questions they are the only ones that we were able to create graphs for.

This is the graph for question 2. it shows how many people said what to eat question. As you can see it shows the majority of people as saying yes and the minority saying no. This is a good thing for our media piece as it shows we did some good camera techniques.

This is the graph for question 4. It shows that the majority of the audience thought that the soundtrack helped create to the atmosphere although some people did say that they did not think it did. This could be something we can work on to improve. 

This is the graph to show the results from question 5. It shows what the audience rated our media products and shows that it was mainly between the 5/6 marks. This shows that there a definite signs for improvement in our media that we, as a group should be focusing on. 

For the other questions we looked at all the answers and took them all into account. Obviously all the other answers were to do with people's personal opinions but many things were repeated, this gives us help as if we film another product we can use the answers to improve on certain elements.


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