Tuesday 15 February 2011


We decided to start filming on the 10th January, this meant we had to book the cameras out of school. We booked two cameras because we felt that this could make the film more effective and if any complicated filming needed to be done we could do it more efficiently with two cameras making out film overall more effective.

On 10th January we started filming, our group all met up at Amelia's to start filming. We filmed most of our piece on this day but could not complete the filming due to insufficient time. This meant we had to set another date to film on, due to the members in our team having work commitments we could not continue to film until 31st January. We completed filming on this date and so we are ready to edit.

Because some of our filming is done outside we had to make sure that the weather forecast was clear so that bad weather such as rain or wind would not interrupt our filming. Thankfully, the forecasts were clear and our filming was able to be finished on the date that we set.

For our filming we needed to use the cameras. These were 10 mega pixel Sanyo cameras in high definition (this means it can go up to 14 mega pixels). They are small cameras and therefore easy to move around and film from different angles. It is also good quality and easy to use so we got used to the settings very quickly which was advantage when we went to film. We had to book the cameras out of the school so that the teachers knew where they were and if we damaged or lost them we would have to replace them.

We needed costumes to fit each character. Each girl just wore 'general teenage girl' outfits and we dressed Amelia in a baggy hoodie with dark makeup to have a creepy effect. The costumes we dressed the girls in made the film seem more realistic, we wanted the film to have a sense of realism through it. 

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