Tuesday 25 January 2011

Target Audience

We need to figure out what target audience we would like to attract with our film. A target audience is a group of people that would be most suited to the product that we are making. In our case it is a small film that we are producing and we need to know who is most likely to watch it and we can adapt it to their needs.

Most thriller films nowadays are certificated 18s which makes the target audience to be 18 and above. Ours however is not as it is not a very long piece and we are targeting our classmates (who will watch it and give feedback). This would mean we would have to put an aged 15 certificate on our film.

This is so we can have a clear understanding of what we want to achieve whilst we film. The audience questionnaire we sent out was mainly to 16-17 year olds. This is where we start from as the information we have collected would have been from their mindset. This gives us some information about what they like and expect to see from the thriller genre. As we already have that information for that age-group.

The gender information is not as important as the age-group. This is because no matter what the gender it is it all depends on each person's individual interests. Both male and female groups enjoy thriller films, but it is not to everybody's taste. However, in the idea for our film, the target audience varies- at the start when the girls are getting ready it is aimed for more of a girly audience (girls getting ready, gossiping etc). The ending, however, it aimed at both genders as that is when it turns psychological. This generally interests both genders. Because we have all females in our production it might attract a female audience more than the male population.

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