Tuesday 25 January 2011

Audience Research Questionnaire

We sent out around 20 questionnaires to various people around college and waited for the answers to come back to group the data. We asked four questions that we could group the information and could see what the audience want to see in the thriller genre. This will help us when we start to film and think of our idea. (we can do it taking in the preferences found in our audience questionnaires)

This is what our questionnaire looked like, it is visually very easy on the eyes and simple to understand.

I made graphs to show the results of the audience research questionnaire more clearly. It helped me visually see what the audience wanted in a more effective way.

This is the chart for question 1. As you can see horror was the main choice of genre that the audience liked. Thriller was the second favourite choice of genre. This is good as it shows that a few of the people filling in our questionnaires are interested in thriller films, this makes our research more valid.

Our second question was 'Why is this your favourite genre?'. The answers we got for this question were extremely difficult to put into graph form and, therefore, we could not do it as it was based on individuals opinions. It was helpful, however, in finding out why people's favourite genre was thriller. This means that we can take the conventions that appeal to people and try our hardest to put it into our filming.

The third question was an open question 'what makes a thriller film' we sent out these questions and writ down the answers that people gave us. This graph allows us to see what thriller concepts the audience would like to watch.

The fourth question we asked the audience what thrillers they had already seen. The audience could fill in more than one box which is why the answers come to more than twenty. As you can see, Jaws was the top answer. As I deconstructed Se7en it was reassuring to know that a few people were familiar with this type of film

This question was asked in the same way as question 3. We asked the audience and then collected the feedback, it shows the importance of each aspect and what the audience would like to see. It means that we can now see what will make our film interesting and the aspects that we need to work on the hardest.

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